Script to manage PocketMine server on linux.
- Manage PocketMine server with tmux session.
- Remap
key to prevent killing PocketMine server. - Control script with convenient functions(see below).
- ...
Install with PocketMine
su - pocketmine
#. install PocketMine-MP
mkdir -p ~/pocketmine
cd ~/pocketmine
pmmp_version=$(curl -s \
https://api.github.com/repos/PocketMine/PocketMine-MP/tags?callback=loadTags |\
grep -i name | head -n1 | cut -d':' -f2 |\
sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/,$//g' -e 's/^ //g')
curl -L http://sourceforge.net/projects/pocketmine/files/linux/PocketMine-MP_Installer_$pmmp_version.sh | bash
#. install PocketMine Ctrl
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/marlboromoo/PocketMine_Ctrl.git
ln -s ~/PocketMine_Ctrl/pocketmine.sh ~/pocketmine/
su - pocketmine
cd ~/PocketMine_Ctrl/
git pull
Control script for PocketMine server.
Usage: pocketmine.sh [CMD]
Available CMDs:
start Start PocketMine server.
attach Attach PocketMine server console.
console Alias for attach.
stop Stop PocketMine server. (graceful)
restart Restart PocketMine server. (graceful)
kill Kill the PocketMine server.
cmd "MY COMMAND" Send command to PocketMine server.
plainlog "LOGFILE" Strip color code from log file.
log-rotate Log rotate.
remake-world Regenerate worlds and keep old worlds. (need restart)
purge-world Regenerate worlds. (need restart)
Daily Jobs
Add settings to /etc/crontab
like below.
# m h dom mon dow user command
59 23 * * * pocketmine /home/pocketmine/pocketmine/pocketmine.sh log-rotate
51 0 * * * pocketmine /home/pocketmine/pocketmine/pocketmine.sh cmd "say Server will restart in 10 minute."
56 0 * * * pocketmine /home/pocketmine/pocketmine/pocketmine.sh cmd "say Server will restart in 5 minute."
0 1 * * * pocketmine /home/pocketmine/pocketmine/pocketmine.sh cmd "say Server will restart in 1 minute."
1 1 * * * pocketmine /home/pocketmine/pocketmine/pocketmine.sh restart
- Solution to clear the command in the console.
- Bootstrap.
- Configuration file.
- Updater.
- You tell me.
How do I detach the console?
Press Ctrl+a
, then press d
Why do I see lots of "iamjustaspam" in the console or "Command doesn't exist!" in the console.log?
I need to clear the console input while use the 'cmd' function, but PocketMine
can't handle the Ctrl+b
or UP
right now, so sending a spam instead, it will be fixed in the future.
I can't understand what you say!
Because the English is't my native language, sorry :(
Timothy.Lee a.k.a MarlboroMoo.
Released under the MIT License.